// Script: enterScript.ltgs // Description: // Arguments: // 1: Message (optional) // // Author : LoopToGo // Setting default values print "Enter script example!" $isPlaying $isRecording $songBar setScriptConcurrencyMode 2 // ConcurrentScript = 0, DoNotStartScriptIfAlreadyRunning = 1, StopOtherScriptAndRun = 2 // This sys variables are defined for enter or leave loop event print loopEvent: $loopEvent eventLoopID: $eventLoopID scriptLoopID : $scriptLoopID // Printing args for var 1 $nbArgs variable argName arg & $var print $argName : $$argName // Need 2 $. The first one will create a variable name (arg1, arg2, etc.). The second will give the value or the arguments. endFor variable loopID $arg2 getLoopTrack track $eventLoopID getLoopName name $eventLoopID getLoopType type $eventLoopID getLoopStart start $eventLoopID getLoopEnd end $eventLoopID print LoopID: $eventLoopID Track: $track Name: $name Type: $type [ $start to $end ]