R-2.18.10 2024-10-21 - Changed display: very short midi notes are shown with a shorter bar - Fixed a major bug: very short midi note were not handled properly sometimes whan played back (note off played before note on). This problem would occured mainly in scripts and rarely whith humans. R-2.18.9 2024-10-20 - Fixed a major bug: in some circumstances, a note at the very beginning of a play loop was not played if there were a jam marker at this position R-2.18.8 2024-10-18 - The Song Title displayed beside the tab labels is now taken from the Chord Editor if a "Title" tag is present (along with the author). If no title is defined, the current filename will be used instead. - Change in behavior: The Song Title is now centered relative to the application window (instead of the Main Tab Widget). - Bug fix: The size of the Song Title area is now correctly remembered between sessions. R-2.18.7 2024-10-18 - Added the Song File name (without the .xml extension) beside the tab tags so the current filename is still visible while in Fullscreen mode R-2.18.6 2024-10-15 - Fixed a bug introduced in 2.18.4: OSC addresses were not shown on the tooltip for generic Widget (main volume, transport widget, etc.) R-2.18.5 2024-10-8 - Added additional addresses for OSC commands related to chains: /chain/Chain_name and /pchain/Chain_name (spaces are replaced by underscores). - OSC addresses are now printed in the Log console when a Widget Tooltip is shown, provided the "Show messages in Error/Log Console" checkbox is checked (in Preferences/OSC). This is useful for copying addresses. - The "Show messages in Error/Log Console" checkbox choice is now saved when LTG closes. - Fixed a bug with Undo (Ctrl-Z) and Redo (Ctrl-Y) for Script markers: the script would no longer be called after these actions. R-2.18.4 2024-10-7 - Extended ASIO Driver Support: LoopToGo now supports ASIO drivers with up to 32 inputs and 32 outputs (previously limited to 16 inputs and 16 outputs). - Changed a Behavior: OSC Addressing: Chain OSC addresses now use the Chain's number rather than its position. This distinction is important when using certain chain types such as Input bus, Output bus, or Master bus, where chain numbers and positions may differ. - Pressing Shift-Key while using the cut tool with a play loop will adjust the new loop delay so it points where the cut loops ends (audio or midi continuity) - Fixed a bug: Persistent Chain OSC Address Conflict: Fixed an issue where Persistent Chain OSC addresses were identical to Song Chain OSC addresses, making the Persistent Chains inaccessible via OSC. - Fixed a bug - Script Marker Duplication: Fixed a bug where copying a marker script resulted in both markers sharing the same script instance. This caused issues where deleting one marker prevented the script from executing for the others. - Fixed a bug: a call to addTemporaryScriptMarker with a unexisting script file could cause LTG to freeze. - Fixed a major bug: merging two loops with midi data in the second loop would make LTG crash. This problem was also impacting a undo action after cutting a loop with midi data in the right part since it uses the merge function as well. R-2.18.3 2024-09-24 - Added parameters to getMarkerParameter script command (see help page) R-2.18.2 2024-09-17 - Added support for OSC addresses /script/loadScriptDynamic and /script/spawnScript for starting a script from an OSC client. - A script command's OSC address can now be called at any level (e.g., /script/{command}, /level1/script/{command}, /a/b/c/script/{command}), allowing the address levels to be used in scripts (through system variables). - Fixed a bug where the tiptool fonts for plugin widgets were no longer visible. - Fixed a minor bug where a missing plugin was displayed in grey instead of red in the Chain editor, though it appeared correctly in the console. - Fixed a minor bug where duplicating a track with concurrent loops resulted in an incorrect track height calculation. - Fixed a bug where, after resetting the ASIO driver, the metronome would not work until the Metronome window was opened and closed. R-2.18.1 2024-08-26 - Fixed a small bug: in some cases, a track with many concurrent loops would not have its height properly computed upon song opening. R-2.18.0 2024-08-23 - Improved loop management to avoid audio glitches when creating, deleting, cutting, merging loops, and performing undo/redo actions. - Script commands deleteLoop and deleteMarkers can now be undone. - Added Marker's ID in the Marker Properties dialog. - Fixed a black screen bug for some users by upgrading the QT version to 5.15.17 (previously 5.15.10). - Fixed a configuration saving issue where the file MyScriptWidgets.xml was sometimes not saved in the correct folder when sharing document folders between computers. - Fixed an ASIO driver bug: in some circumstances, an ASIO driver was not properly closed, causing a zombie process after quitting LoopToGo (e.g., with M-Audio drivers). - Fixed a small bug: the IO button would not reset to the default color in console widgets after resetting MIDI transpose and min/max notes values. R-2.17.4 2024-07-24 - Fixed a bug with Persistent Chains. When loading a song with Persistent Chains enabled and "Persistent Chains are On while loading a song" checked, LTG would briefly switch to "Only Song Chains are On," which could cause an audio glitch. R-2.17.3 2024-07-04 - Added an arguments field to loop scripts, editable in the loop properties window. - Default loop scripts information is now accessible via system variables. This method is preferable to using standard arguments, as default arguments are no longer available through standard arguments when the user provides their own arguments in the arguments field. - Added an optional argument to the loadScript command to prevent LoopToGo from asking to load an unsaved project if one exists. - Fixed a bug with the loadSong script command: when choosing to cancel upon the unsaved song message, the new song would still be added to the current song. R-2.17.2 2024-07-03 - Fixed a small bug: when right-clicking on the CPU usage meter, the CPU usage dialog box is not shown (the meter is resetted) - Added the following script commands: getTrackVolumeDB, convertDBToLinear, convertLinearToDB, convertLinearToQuadratic - Added more resolutions for snapping. - Added more resolutions when displaying playhead position (bottom-right information display). - Fixed a bug, when opening the script properties window in pause mode and closing it, the script would not be triggered anymore. R-2.17.1 2024-07-01 - Changed behavior: When a loop is used for jamming, ltg will no longer apply a zero crossing to the audio data at the jump from the end to the start of the loop. This ensures a continuous sound while jamming. - Fixed a bug: the script for a loop enter or leave event continued to be used even after the filename was set to empty. - Fixed a bug introduced in 2.16.2: when dragging a track to change its position, the dragged image of the track was clipped. R-2.17.0 2024-06-27 - Added support for OSC protocol - Rearrange all Dialog Widget focus order. - Added the following script commands: getMainVolume, getTempo R-2.16.4 2024-06-19 - Playlist songs font size now aligns with other tree widgets. - Selected songs in both the songs widget and playlist widget are now synchronized. - A "Reload all scripts" button has been added to the Script manager. R-2.16.3 2024-06-13 - Fixed a bug with the 'loadSong' script command: the default song folder was not being set properly if no prior songs were loaded. R-2.16.2 2024-06-11 - Made sure Chain's Name does not overlap with Chain's selection rectangle - Clicking on color chooser does not close the dialog window anymore. Double click on a color will close it. - In the color picker dialog, the tooltips are shown with contrasting text color, the same used in the rest of the application when needed. - Fixed a bug: Chain Info Font Size was not increased with "Increase Size button" R-2.16.1 2024-06-10 - Added a tab (Font Sizes) in Preferences to set the font size of different text Categories. - Added a right-click menu to the Font Size buttons to select which font size categories are adjustable. This also can be done in Preferences/Font Sizes - Added an option to the Right-click menu in the Marker Zone: Paste Loops and Markers Here (in addition to the existing option "Paste Loops and Markers at Playhead position") - "Change track and color..." is now at top of Track's context menu (right-click) - Track text area do not expand if not necessary when increasing the Looper View fonts size. Example: when using only short Track's name - Fixed a bug: when loading a song while another one was playing and using the recycle bin feature, some plugins were still generating sound R-2.16.0 2024-06-08 - Marker properties can now be changed for all selected markers - Change behavior: now shows a SizeAllCursor when the mouse is over Marker Goto destination (and not only "Goto from") - Now possible to show names for all types of markers. By default, markers that did not show names in previous versions won't show names. - Right-clicking on the Marker zone shows a drop-down menu for creating any type of markers. By default, the marker properties dialog is shown. Holding shift while right-clicking will create the marker without showing the Marker properties dialog. - Added tooltips to Marker properties dialog - Added tooltips to Loop properties dialog - Now possible to choose if Audio IO are listed in physical or alphabetical order (in Choose Input Dialog, Metronome dialog) - Structure view now supports font resizing (like other Plugin view, Chains view, etc.) - Removed "Don't play metronome after resume" checkbox in Marker properties dialog (was not used anymore) - Added "Enter loop" script and "Leave Loop" script features - Now start Scripts/autoExit.ltgs script on exiting application if it exists - Now start Songs/{song dir}/autoExit.ltgs script on exiting song if it exists - Modified Transport section display to support smaller screens - Use of muted track color in the Chain Editor and in the console for muted tracks. The color can be changed in Preferences/Colors - Fixed a bug in "Select Loop Properties to change" dialog. Some check choices were not properly exclusive - Fixed a major bug: Quantized note off were not always played (or played at the right moment), especially at the end of loops R-2.15.4 2024-06-02 - Clicking on CPU usage progress bar or associated labels now show the Plugin CPU Usage console - Vertical panning (Shift + mouseWheel or with hand mode selected) is now limited to beginning of first chain (was already handled) and end of last chain - Don't show message "Song must be saved before saving snapshot" for auto creation of snapshot on empty song - Fixed a bug: upon loading a song, a Chain with many plugins (more than 4) would overlap with Chains on next row. - Fixed a bug: the solo button in the mixing console would not work properly when switching to persistent chains R-2.15.3 2024-05-31 - Right-clicking on the marker area now display a dropdown menu for Markers creation - Double clicking on a marker will bring the Marker properties dialog - Shift+Left-click now set the last Playhead start position (yellow line) with snapping - Shift+Alt+Left-click now set the last Playhead start position (yellow line) without snapping R-2.15.2 2024-05-29 - Menus for loading and saving Snapshots (including "Best Takes") are now always enabled. If an action is not possible, an explanatory message is displayed to the user. - When saving a Snapshot (standard or "Best Take"), the user is now asked for confirmation if a Snapshot with the same name already exists. Previously, an error message was displayed indicating that the action was not possible. - When loading a Snapshot, loops without corresponding data are no longer erased. Missing data files are now displayed in the Error/Log console. - Added a check box to list Chains, Songs, and Playlists in modified date order (most recent first) in the "Plugins, Chains, Songs, and Playlists browser". - Added an entry in the View menu to show the Chords and Lyrics Editor. - Changed behavior: Right-clicking on the looper view now displays the same menus regardless of which mouse mode is selected. - Added a line (color = background) above and below the Chains' name in the Looper view for aesthetic purposes. - If a Record loop size is changed, the corresponding "Best Take" loop cannot be used until the size is back to its original value (or a new best take is saved). - Added an option to each Cheat shortcut to impact the Record loop as well. If the user presses 1 (or any number different from 0) before calling the shortcut, the best take will be used for the record loop as well. This is intended to be used within a script. - Upon application startup, all XML configuration files are backed up into directories named Copies/A, Copies/B, and so on, up to a maximum of 7 directories. Once this limit is reached, new backups overwrite the files in the first directory, continuing in a cyclic manner. - Fixed a display bug: Max and min note values are now properly computed when using a "Best Take" loop. - Fixed a bug: Changing the mouse mode with a shortcut on top of an existing loop would result in incorrect behavior of the new mode. R-2.15.1 2024-05-28 - Fixed a bug: when drawing many concurrent loops in the same track, the "vertical slot" of the new loop was sometimes not properly computed. R-2.15.0 2024-05-27 - Now possible to customize looper view colors (Preferences/Colors) - Now possible to have a snapping resolution different from the graphic resolution - Increased tempo accuracy - Increased the Record/Play rectangle height when the Loop name is shown inside the loops - Most font sizes in the looper view can now be changed with the Increase/Decrease buttons (a/A) - Added Copy/Cut/Paste functionality to markers - Added a standard time display - Added Full Screen mode capability (F11) - Added a third Cheat mode (medium cheat) - Increased the default chain height - Fixed a minor bug: when renaming a track using the drop down menu (right-click) on the looper view, the track name shown in the console would not change immediately - Fixed a minor bug: Loop amplitude max value parameter was not always changed after user changed value in preferences/General R-2.14.4 2024-04-17 - Fixed a major bug: in Free tempo mode, pressing the UI Record button for the second time after the first record loop would make LoopToGo to crash. - Fixed a display bug: chains (shared or not) loaded from file (instead of drag and drop) would not adjust their size based on number of plugins - Fixed a minor display issue: an unused check box in Preferences/General has been removed ("Use quadratic curve for MIDI velocity") - Fixed a minor bug: in some rare occasions and with some VST, a MIDI noteOn would not play back if the MIDI note off occured in the same buffer interval - Fixed a bug introduced in 2.14.0: Metronome volume slider on main window was not setting the right value when moved - Fixed a minor bug: drawing a Record loop or a Play loop while holding the Alt key was not behaving as expected (no discretization) R-2.14.3 2024-04-16 IMPORTANT: 2.14.1 and 2.14.2 should not be used. They will corrupt the Midi mappings file - Fixed a major bug in Release 2.14.1 and 2.14.2 : the MIDI mappings file would get corrupted. R-2.14.2 2024-04-16 - Fixed a bug: "Output To Other Chain" number of outputs could be wronly computed. This bug was introduced in 2.14.0 R-2.14.1 2024-04-16 - Adding the following script commands to take into account the new Sliders quadratic behavior : getTrackVolumeFader and getVolumeSliderMaxValue - "loadSong" script commands now assume songs are in the Songs folder for more coherence - Added validation of file existing for the loadSong script command - Changed the LaunchPadMini mapped name in script examples to improve coherence - Fixed a major bug: chain volume was applied twice for midi noteOn and noteOff ** Important note: a fix is applied when loading old songs saved with release prior to 2.14.1 but using a prior release to load a song saved with a new release might result in volume difference with midi tracks. The greater the volume deviation from 0 dB, the less accurate the backward compatibility may be. R-2.14.0 2024-04-14 - Volume sliders now follow a quadratic curve instead of a linear one. This change enhances fine-tuning capabilities, particularly at lower volume levels. - Improved behavior of all sliders. Various issues with slider behavior have been addressed, ensuring consistency and accuracy across the board. - Volume midi learn now uses a quadratic curve (instead of a linear curve) - Selected Chain are now highlited in Chain editor - Now possible to select a Chain from the Chain editor view (left-click) - Now possible to unselect the selected Chain (Escape key) - LoopToGo restore last splitters configuration: Tree browser view, Mixing Console, Structure view - Now possible to increse or decrease the font size for the Browser views (Plugins, Chains, Songs, Playlist) - Added an Apply button on the Song Info dialog window (Signature and Metronome configuration) - Added a script command: loadSong, getNbOfSongsInPlaylist, getSongFromPlaylist - Made sure Persistent Chains meters are set to 0 when not active! - Meaningless parameters are now disabled for Input Bus, Ouptut Bus and Master Bus (Solo, Monitoring modes) - Fixed a small bug: for Output bus, some tapTo outputs were wrongly shown as checked (they were not!) - Fixed a bug: merging other audio outputs into Metronome was not working properly! - Fixed a bug: Audio Inputs display channel preference was not always taken into account. R-2.13.7 2024-04-10 - Fixed a major bug: Right-clicking on a chain and selecting "Share chain..." would cause LooToGo to crash. R-2.13.6 2024-04-06 - Chain tree view can now handle subfolders. - Shared Chain can now handle subfolders. - When sharing an existing chain, the user is prompted for a file location. - Pan value can be set manually for a chain by right-clicking on a pan slider in the mixing console view - Improved plugin deletion (reduced memory leak). - Added script commands: setTrackVolumeDB, setChainVolumeDB, setChainPan, setTrackPan. - Fixed a bug: MIDI learn min-max values were not always taken into account. R-2.13.5 2024-04-02 - Added Midi Learn context menu to Chain Pan slider - Fixed a display issue: when started in Maximized mode and using persistent chains, LTG could be momentorary shown in grey or white before. Now it shows a message until LTG is ready to start - Fixed an issue where recorded MIDI events linked to track pan or track mute were not taken into account when played back. R-2.13.4 2024-03-30 - Added a visual indicator when MIDI data is routed out of a chain. - MIDI chains no longer require an audio output to be selected as well as the MIDI output. - Fixed a display bug where the Play Button icon would sometimes appear in the wrong state. - Fixed a major bug: MIDI pitch would be incorrect when using a MIDI device as output for a transposed chain with a MIDI effect plugin (transposed value applied twice). R-2.13.3 2024-03-27 - Changed highlight color to orange for Shared Chains that have been renamed, distinguishing them from the default blue. - Introduced new script commands: addVirtualMidiDevice and deleteVirtualMidiDevice. - Prevented the creation of Shared Chains within the persistent Chain editor. - Prevented the creation of multiple Shared Chains linked to the same chain file within a single song. - Made sure the user could not use a double colon in a ChainName. - Added Midi learn and Unlearn support for Stop button. - Added a shortcut (CTR-F) to toggle between fullscreen mode and normal mode - LoopToGo will now start in a maximized state if closed while maximized. - Fixed a bug introduced in beta release 2.13.2: MIDI Device Name were saved instead of MIDI Mapped name for midi learn commands. - Fixed a bug: when sharing the LoopToGo folder on many computers, the Persistent chain configuration were not read from the right folder. R-2.13.2 2024-03-24 - Choosing the same Virtual MIDI input and output is not possible anymore (that would make LoopToGo to freeze and eventually crash) - Play/pause and record icons are now more consistent with their states - Midi devices are sorted after adding or removing a mapping - Fixed a major bug: the Virtual MIDI devices concept was not working properly! R-2.13.1 2024-03-22 - Improved device displayed in Midi learn dialog: Mapped Name must accept MIDI channel (bug on display only, no other impacts) - All items of a Virtual MIDI or Audio device are now highlighted - Don't show NewSongAutoSave directory in the Song tree view anymore - Added columns in the Plugin MIDI assigned dialog: P. Value (plain), Text - Changed columd name in Plugin MIDI assigned dialog: Value => N. Value (normalized) - Display of plugin parameters changed via midi events ton the Information field (Bottom right) - Fixed a issue with the free version where the Metronome chain and the persistent chain were counted on the allowed tracks - Fixed a minor display bug. When clicking on cancel button in the Plugin MIDI assigned dialog, the Plugin MIDI button would not be highlighted when it should be - Fixed a bug with midi chain: when the first plugin was bypassed and a MIDI out device was selected, the mid events were not sent to the other Plugins R-2.13.0 2024-03-20 - Added the concept of "Shared Chains": A chain can be shared between songs. Change of Shared Chain configuration will impact all other songs using the same Shared chain. - Added the possibility to create Virtual MIDI devices (virtual MIDI cables) - Now prompts for a name when saving a chain - Virtual mappings (audio and MIDI) are now shown in Orange in lists - MIDI Device lists are now shown in alphabetic order in preferences - Made a slight adjustment to the "Highlight color" for consistency with similar colors used in LoopToGo - Improved display of overlapping MIDI notes - Fixed a bug where note-off quantization could be incorrect when notes were overlapping - Fixed a minor bug where the alphabetical order of the devices list could be incorrect due to case sensitivity - Fixed a minor bug where the position of symbols in chord files starting with a symbol was not always computed properly - Fixed a major bug: the Filter button in Preferences/MIDI, would not be assosiated to the proper device if the table order have been changed R-2.12.6 2024-03-12 - Fixed a major bug: when loading a long wav file via drag and drop, the buffer length was not always computed properly - Fixed a minor bug: in the midi console, shorcuts were not displayed when the "Show MIDI events" was not checked and "Show triggered shortcuts" was checked R-2.12.5 2024-03-12 - Reset Song Marker position can now be applied to multiple marker selections. - Script Button Window is now always on top of main window. - Fixed a bug: when moving a chord section markers, other markers were not moved properly without editing the chords document itself. This bug was introduced in 2.7.0! - Fixed a bug: undoing action on loops positionned over different tracks could lead to undesired results. - Fixed a bug: when moving a song marker after resetting its position or pressing the mouse before bar 1, the starting bar could be wrongly computed. R-2.12.4 2024-03-11 - Fixed a minor issue: when using persistent chains, a dialog prompting the user to save the song would appear after opening and closing the app without making any changes. - Fixed a bug introduced in 2.12.0 (unstable release): Cuting loop with Cut Tool would not always work - Fixed a bug: under certain conditions, in jam mode, a MIDI note-on event would not be played because an extraneous MIDI note-off event was incorrectly added. R-2.12.3 2024-03-10 - Increased the default chain heigth by a small amount so the loop's name is centered (when set to be displayed inside the loop) - Fixed a major bug: A chain output midi device would be added to the input midi device list of the same track causing a major issue when a input midi device with the same name (mapped name) would exist. R-2.12.2 2024-03-08 - Now possible to use an alternative name for a Play loop - When the mouse is over a loop, all linked loop are visually indicated (parcticulary usefull for play loops using alternative name) - Loop start end end are now shown in the Loop properties dialog window - Loop fade-in and fade-out are now shown and can be changed in the Loop properties dialog window - Fixed a major bug: when a loop fade-in was 0% or a loop fade-out was 100% the fade handles were impossible to move R-2.12.1 2024-03-08 - Fixed a minor bug: when a song is stopped or pause while in the middle of a MIDI note on-off event, the midi note off is added at the current song tick (not at the end of the loop) R-2.12.0 2024-03-07 - Loop names are now displayed inside loops on a semi-transparent gray background. This feature can be configured, including as in previous releases, in Preferences/General settings. - Loop names are now displayed as long as a loop is visible. - Track information (quantization, transposition, etc.) and loops are no longer saved when saving a chain. - Reading or adding ALK2 files is now possible via the Files menu. - Reading ALK2 files now supports MIDI transpose and locked info for loops. - The MIDI transpose value of a loop is now visible in the loop's name when different from 0. - Fixed a minor bug: Sometimes, when attempting to resize a loop quickly, it would draw a selection rectangle. R-2.11.0 2024-02-28 - Support for song file drag and drop from a file explorer into LoopToGo - Support for chain file drag and drop from a file explorer into LoopToGo - Support for Limited Time License - Updated user interfaces to display lists in alphabetical order where sorting is not applicable. - Support for ALK2 song file drag and drop into LoopToGo - Fixed a bug: the audio driver initiatization could cause a crash upon the initial launch of the application. - Fixed a bug: MIDI device information could be lost under specific circumstances when a device was unplugged but still in use by a chain. - Fixed a bug: duplicate MIDI mapped names could occur in rare cases when using the natural name of an unplugged device and then reconnecting it. - Behavior changed: the "No ASIO detected" message was shown twice at first startup! R-2.10.2 2024-02-26 - Changed behavior: by default, "Clear all audio and MIDI loops when recording begins at bar 1" is checked - Fixed a minor bug: Undo after moving multiselected objects including markers and loops would not une do the loops' move if the move was done with a marker - Fixed a bug: when using prerecord metronome, midi events would not be cleared for a loop starting at the song tick. R-2.10.1 2024-02-24 - Fixed a minor bug: Previously, plugins using 'Aux' instead of 'Sidechain' for their sidechain input signal name were not properly tagged as supporting sidechain. This issue has been resolved. R-2.10.0 2024-02-22 - Added support for sidechain (for plugins supporting this concept). - Changed behavior: Dragging and dropping a plugin within the same chain will now move the plugin instead of copying it. Holding the Shift key will retain the old behavior. - Changed behavior: Dragging and dropping a plugin to a new chain will create the plugin at the drop position instead of at the end of the chain, as was the old behavior. - The script command regexReplace now assigns the variable to the error message when the provided pattern is incorrect. - Added the following script command: getLoopColor. - Fixed a minor bug: The button state (blue around MIDI button) was being reset to default when the FX list was opened or when chains were reordered. - Fixed a bug: When copying a plugin with its parameters, some lists were not copied (such as MIDI events), causing discrepancies when duplicating a track or dragging and dropping a plugin with the Shift key pressed. R-2.9.1 2024-02-13 - Keep last selected song in Song tree view even if the filter does not show it. This is useful when performing song after song. - Added the following system variables: $isPaused, $currentSection and $nextSection - Added a Stop button in the transport section and a way to know if the Song is Stopped or Paused - Play and Record button now pause if song was playing or recording (keeps playing/recording monitoring mode). Use top button to really pause. - Fixed a major bug introduced in 2.8.3: double clicking on a section in the song structure view was not working properly if the song was playing or recording R-2.9.0 2024-02-09 - When trying to erase locked loop data, show a message that the loop is locked (was just doing nothing) - Mouse over monitoring mode is now also enabled when mouse is over fx section in mixing console. - Improved audio engine to better manage audio monitoring and loop transitions (this also solved an issue where unintended clicks would occurred under specific configurations when stopping songs) - Keep song's name visible in Song's tree view after a save as well as selected items if any. This is useful to quickly see which song was last loaded from the Song's tree view even after saving the file. - Fixed a bug: monitoring modes for Master bus and Output bus was not taken into account properly - Fixed a bug: new projects were not added to the list when saved R-2.8.6 2024-02-01 - After deleting a chain, the chains are redrawn in both the Chain Editor view and the console. This helps avoid confusion when controlling the chain with MIDI devices such as sliders, launchpads, etc. R-2.8.5 2024-01-31 - Undo move marker now works for Chord section markers R-2.8.4 2024-01-30 - Does not include backup file in "Open recent projects" menu anymore - Fixed a bug: when starting jam mode with a Jam Marker, the preloop midi events of a Midi locked loop would not play R-2.8.3 2024-01-29 - Change behavior for the following shortcuts: 99 (Jump to section): when not playing or recording, go to selected section. 23528 to 23535 (Go To Selected Section at end of section): when not playing or recording, go to section. - Fixed a bug in scripting language: "shortcutByID 116" was not working (browse through views) - Fixed a bug: the track name color would not be properly set for brigth track color when loading song R-2.8.2 2024-01-28 - Now supports special symbols, including apostrophes, in filenames dragged and dropped onto the application. R-2.8.1 2024-01-27 - Fixed a minor bug: The MIDI Learn dialog had an unnecessarily tall height. - Fixed a bug: Column Song Tick in the MIDI console window was not shown anymore R-2.8.0 2024-01-26 - Added many script functionalities and commands - namespace and endNamespace: namespace concept in order to be able to use libraries with same name functions, variables and alias. Can be used to avoid any other name conflicts. - setScriptConcurrencyMode: MIDI and keyboard triggered script can now have different concurency mode - getScriptState: to know if a script is running or not. - spawnScript and killScript: a script can run indepently from its parent (non blocking) - addMidiMapper and deleteAllMidiMappers: MIDI events can be filtered and mapped - getTrackColor: to obtain a track color - waitDeltaTime: wait for x ms - Added the following system variables: $scriptID, $namespaceScope, - Added a new MIDI event trigger (Any event) - MIDI console has been enhanced in many ways. See the help page for more details - Use of "Parameter" and "Value" (instead of "Note" and "Velocity") as labels in different dialogs in order to better represent all MIDI events - Track's name color is darker if Track's color is bright in order to see it - Script button's text color is darker if Script button's color is bright in order to see it - Ok button is disabled in DialogLinkScriptToMidiEvent if script filename field is empty - Right click on the script button panel shows a menu allowing to add a script button. - Fixed a bug. Reloading a script while it was running could make LoopToGo crash - Fixed a bug. When song was stop or rewind while in pre-record ticks countdown, the next jam marker could be ignored - Fixed a bug. Restarting recording (or playing) after a pause would restart the pre-record (or pre-play) beats. - Fixed a bug. Only one SysEx message could be received from each MIDI device. To receive another message the "Rescan all devices" button had to be used. - Fixed a minor bug: in some situations, the dragging of a marker from bar 1 would be done with an offset from the mouse cursor. - Fixed an important bug: in the scripting langage, big number could lose precision. For example, 1221015336 - 1221014785 would result in 512 instead of 551 - Fixed a bug. Drag and drop of MIDI file with multiple tracks could result in bad computing of loop length. - Fixed a bug. When editing a locked MIDI loop with an external MIDI editor, the new data would be superposed with the old data. - Changed "MIDI" to "MIDI" to conform to the standard. R-2.7.8 2024-01-05 - Fixed an important bug: recording and playing monitor mode could be set to wrong mode after closing "Select io" dialog (bug introduced in 2.7.0) R-2.7.7 2023-12-23 - Fixed a bug with MIDI vst receiving ProjectTimeMusic info twice a Goto marker was used (one for the start and one for the destination, now it receives this info only at the destination). A sequencer could send extra MIDI note to a MIDI vst or device. - Changed a behavior: ProjectTimeMusic info is not send anymore at a Pause or Stop marker position. R-2.7.6 2023-12-22 - Fixed an issue with shortcutByID -998 (Pause). Was doing a Stop! - Fixed a bug with the Free and Advanced version when counting number of available chains. The first Output bus and Master bus were counts as 2 chains. - Fixed an issue with jumpTo script commands not working in rare occasions R-2.7.5 2023-12-21 - Fixed a bug related to audio glitches in some rare occasions when using Goto markers - Fixed some bugs related MIDI note off note recorded - Fixed some bugs related MIDI note length computation R-2.7.4 2023-12-20 - Default output channel for MIDI devices is now 1 (use to be All) - Fixed many bugs related to stop and pause causing small audio clicks - Fixed a bug: when a Stop or Pause marker were move after being triggered, it would not trig again at the next encountered - Fixed a bug: script commands deleteAllLoops and deleteAllMarkers would sometimes not work R-2.7.3 2023-12-16 - Support of 24 bit (ASIOSTInt24LSB, type 17) ASIO driver - Made sure audio pause and record transitions wer smooth (Play and stop were!) - Added script command waitForSongPause and setMasterTapeContinousRecording (for debugging only) R-2.7.2 2023-12-14 - When creating a Chain by dragging a plugin, the Chain's name is set to the Plugin's name. - Made sure that a mono plugin will send the same signal to both channels of a stero chain - Fixed a display bug: number of inputs and outputs shown in a plugin window title were never below 2. - Fixed a bug: some plugins with only one output would output noise on the second output if used. - Fixed a bug: in a rare situation, some plugins would be detected as mono (while they supported stereo) R-2.7.1 2023-12-12 - Now supports multiple plugins in one vst3 file - Fixed behavior of Markers vs Temporary Markers vs removeAfterAction for FunctionMarkers, ScriptMarkers - Fixed a major bug with the Script Manager Dialog not able to handled missing script - Fixed a bug with problematic path when not using default path (shared folder between 2 computers or using registry entry) R-2.7.0 2023-12-12 - Undo/Redo now supports markers - Added "Recent projets" item in Files menu - Added a new Play/Record monitoring mode: Only in loops (not playing when track is empty) - Holding Shift while moving the start or the destination of a GoTo marker will move both the start and the destination. - Added many script commands: addCustomGridLine, addFunctionMarker, addScriptMarker, addTemporaryFunctionMarker, addTemporaryLockLoopMarker, addTemporaryScriptMarker, cutLoop, deleteAllLoops, deleteAllMarkers, deleteLoop, deleteMarker, deleteSelectedLoops, deleteSelectedMarkers, deleteTrack, exitFunction, getLoopEndOfData, getLoopNextJamState, getLoopStartOfData, getTrackVolume, removeAllCustomGridLines, removeCustomGridLine, setGridLinesVisibility, setLoopDelay, setLoopJamState, setMarkerBar, setMarkerColor, setMarkerName, setTrackVolume, startJamMode - Shortcuts Toggle track mute can now take a user arguments to force mute or unmute - Added a system variable: $lastCreatedMarkerID - Change the way the start and length of a selected loop is diplayed at the bottom right information label. Length is always in decimal and start and end are either in music notation or in decimal if music notation is too long. - Improved the horizontal scroll behavior when jam mode is activated - Added the following shortcut: Cut At Song Start - Added the following markers (to be used in a script): LockLoopTemporaryMarker, ExecuteFunctionMarker - Fixed an issue with some shortcuts that could not be assigned to a keyboard key or called in a script : Rewind All, Rewind, Pause, Play, Record - Fixed a bug with the ifNot script command not always working as expected when using nested ifNot-else-instruction - Fixed a bug: Chord section markers were not updated in Chord editor when they were moved in group. - Fixed a small bug: in a very specific situations, a note On event could be recorded without a note Off event at the end of a record loop. - Fixed a smal diplay bug: the loop repetition indicator could be slightly misplaced. - Fixed a small bug: loop parameter click zone was too big - Fixed a bug: Selected track monitoring mode was not working as expected for MIDI instruments R-2.6.4 2023-11-26 - Now possible to set the color of a Script button - Now possible to create and use custom colors in the Choose Color Dialog R-2.6.3 2023-11-24 - Improved user click detection to prevent confusion with very small drag selections. - Fixed a bug with MIDI events not playing properly after a song signature change. - Fixed a typo in the Edit MIDI data message. R-2.6.2 2023-11-22 - Improved saving and reading of MIDI files R-2.6.1 2023-11-22 - Added the ability to use an external editor for editing audio or MIDI data recorded in loops. - Enhanced MIDI compatibility for reading external MIDI files. - Grouped relevant loop context menus into submenus for enhanced clarity. - Enhanced mapped name identification for output messages in the MIDI console. - Fixed a bug in the 'Manage Scripts' dialog where the list of scripts would not be displayed after writing to a folder different from the default folder. - Fixed a minor bug with the MIDI console not always showing all the MIDI mapped names for an output MIDI device. - Fixed a bug with sendMidiRawBytes command where, in cases where the device did not exist, a random device would be chosen. Now, an error message is displayed. R-2.6.0 2023-11-20 - Introduced Virtual Output Mapping, enabling expanded routing options when combined with multiple Output Bus "Tap To" configurations. - Added the capability to keep lyrics and chords always zoomed, even when the song is unzoomed. Click the binocular icon at the top left of the looper view or use the "F3" keyboard shortcut to activate this feature. - Introduced a new shortcut, "F2," for toggling between unzoomed view (showing the entire song) and zoomed view (displaying a few bars). - When initiating "Unlock all loops," a dialog prompt now appears if some loops have been individually locked, prompting the user to decide whether to unlock them as well. - Expanded Preferences/General section with additional parameters, allowing users to set Max Zoom, Default Zoom, and Lyrics and Chords Zoom. - Added an "Apply" button to the Preferences dialog for a user-friendly application of settings. - Enhanced the visual emphasis on the selected track. - Fixed a small bug: The "E" shortcut (clear loop) now consistently works even when the track is selected by clicking on a loop. - Resolved an issue with the metronome mute slider: When the metronome was unmuted, the slider now returns to the correct value. R-2.5.1 2023-11-09 - It is now possible to hide Chords symbols in the looper view. Use Configure button in the Chords viewer to do so. - It is now possible to save a default Song Format for the Chords Viewer. Use Configure button in the Chords viewer to do so. - Increased symbol fonts in the Song Format Dialog - When a song is loaded, if the Song Format Dialog is visible, made sure the new parameters are set in the dialog R-2.5.0 2023-11-07 - Added an Overdub ratio feature. This value can be set in the record loop properties dialog. The default ratio is 100% but it can be set to lower for fading or even to higher than 100% for saturation! It works for MIDI and audio. See the help page for MIDI behavior. - It is now possible to tap an output bus to more than two other output buses. - Midi events are now shown with transparency. It is correlated to velocity for NoteOn and to "Life" value for other events. "Life" value can change when the Overdub Ratio is other than 100% - Now possible to copy list of shortcuts, plugins, audio devices (from the preferences dialog) into Clipboard (Right-Click/Copy selected items) - Undo and Redo take into account multiple actions (hold shift to use old behavior - one action only) - Fixed a minor bug: when using setChainVolume command in a script, the chain volume slider would not be set properly though the actual volume would be - Fixed a bug: Shortcuts "Set bank to next track" and "Set bank to previous track" had the same ID - Change Shortcuts id 36 and 41. 36: Set tick to end of last loop, 41: Set tick to end of song (end of last loop or last marker) R-2.4.4 2023-10-30 - Fixed a bug: when a record loop was replayed with note off quantized exactly at the end of a loop with a linked play loop immediatly after, the note off event was not played - Fixed a bug: when a note was played just before the start of a record loop but within the prerecord period, the note off would not be quantized R-2.4.3 2023-10-29 - Fixed a bug: changing only the signature parameter would not be taken into account (a change of another song parameters was necessary) R-2.4.2 2023-10-27 - Fixed a bug: when starting to record in the middle of the song, the pre-record MIDI notes (in the pre-record period) were not always recorded - Fixed a minor graphic bug: when jumping for a bar or less the bar indicator would do a litle glitch due to filtering. R-2.4.1 2023-10-04 - Changed "Reset to middle" for "Reset to center" for the pan slider. - Fixed a bug: Resetting a chain pan via right click on the pan slider did not reset the pan value (only the slider) R-2.4.0 2023-08-29 - Fixed an important bug: reloading a preset did not work properly for some plugins (not many but still an important issue). - Added "Lock all loops" and "Unlock all loops" shortcuts - Added setLoopLockState script command - Added a menu in the Chord editor to go to a bar line. Bar line start with a bar value in brackets. Example: {2.4} This line sets the bar to 2.4 for the next chord or lyric line R-2.3.7 2023-08-24 - Added skipIfAlreadyLoaded script command to refrain from loading the same script or library - Added doNothing script command to help implement a debug library for the scripting language - Added $scriptName and $scriptFileName system variables - Added $scriptLineNumber system variable (for debugging purpose) - Created a debug library example. This library can be easily customized - Fix an major bug: in some rare cases, LoopToGo would freeze when adding a Marker from a script R-2.3.6 2023-08-18 - Improved the function call performance and loadScriptDynamic (script language) - Added a way to automatically start a script when LoopToGo is launched or when a song is loaded: autoStart.ltgs (in Scripts directory or in song directory respectively) - Changed record loop color when "Mute when record and playing" is set to distinguish it from "Mute when record" - Added convertDecimalsToHex script command to help building sysEX MIDI message - Added getBankInfo script command to know which bak is selected and the number of tracks per bank - Added setScriptName script command to change the script name shown in the right-click Stop Scripts buton item list - Added setScriptStopMode script command to refrain a script to be stopped (when mode different from 0) by the Stop Scripts button. The user must right-click on the Stop Scripts btton to stop it manually. - Added a shortcut for toggling all markers' state between "All inactive" and "Back to previous state". The default keyboard shortcut is Shift-G - Fixed a major bug: using the same script marker to start twice a non-stopping script could lead to different problems including crash of LoopToGo - Fixed a bug: MIDI learn and unlearn were not always saved (when no song were editd, just launching LoopToGo to edit Midi learn for example) - Fixed a bug: MIDI notes would play for record loop in pre-recrod time when the loop was set to "Muted while recording" or "Muted while recording and playing" - Fixed a minor bug: automatic snapshot saving could be triggered after a play (should be just after a record at the end of the song if the user activated this option) R-2.3.5 2023-08-14 - Fixed a major bug: scripts management was buggy and could lead to crashes - Improve MIDI mapping robustness: avoid creating doublons or empty mappings R-2.3.4 2023-08-13 - Fixed a major bug: Under some conditions, a MIDI learn would not worked (device name would be lost) - Fixed a bug: Reloading script having functions would give an error message and would keep old functions! - Fixed a bug: Shortcut ID 40 and 41 could not be assign to a MIDI event R-2.3.3 2023-08-12 - Added more options for song's signature - Fix a minor bug. Midi data were erased when stopping in the middle of a loop if on a new song or if the metronome window was never shown - Fix a bug. Midi data after the song bar were not erased at beginning of recording in the middle of a loop (were erased when song stops instead) R-2.3.2 2023-08-01 - Fixed a minor bug: a text string starting with numbers would be interpreted as a number which would sometimes lead to a wrong result in comparaisons R-2.3.1 2023-07-28 - Fixed a major bug with the script function concept R-2.3.0 2023-07-25 - Added a way to disable or enable Midi interfaces - Added support for function calling in script language : function, endFunction, callFunction - Added the following script commands (for string manipulation) : getNbCharacters, getCharacterAt, convertStringToHex and regexReplace - Added script command parentVariable to define a variable in the script parent context. R-2.2.0 2023-07-21 - Added MIDI clock feature. LoopToGo can now generate MIDI clock for synchronization of external MIDI device - Loops are now internally sorted by their start position in each tracks. It makes a difference to the user only with the script language R-2.1.8 2023-07-15 - Fix a major bug: Free tempo mode was working erratically since release 2.1.1 (release 2.0.6 was working fine) R-2.1.7 2023-07-15 - Added shortcuts for Arm Lock in jam mode - Many script commands related to track can now accept a name, a position or an ID - Added script system variable: trackID - Fixed a bug: script command setTrackActiveState was not working - Fixed a typo: info for shortcuts select next and previous section were interveted R-2.1.6 2023-07-13 - Fixed an important bug: MIDI mapping of plugin parameters were not working after reloading a song. R-2.1.5 2023-07-10 - Fixed an important bug: MIDI device that would be turned off (or in an unknown state after a computer reboot) could lose their MIDI mappings R-2.1.4 2023-07-09 - Fixed a minor bug: Shortcuts "Lock Loop Now" and "Unlock Loop Now" were having the same Shortcut ID making it impossible to use both in a script! R-2.1.3 2023-07-08 - Added many script commands: getLoopLockState, getLoopJamState, getMarkerActiveState, getMarkerName, getMarkerBar, getMarkerType, getMarkerParameter, getTrackActiveState, selectMarker, setMarkerActiveState, setTrackActiveState, unselectAllMarkers, - Added some system variables: markerID1, markerID2, etc, R-2.1.2 2023-07-05 - Added argument to delete temporary marker after action is complete to add temporary markers script commands - Added $nbMarkers as system variable (for scripts). This variable is used in automated tests before release. Not really useful other than that for now! - Fixed bug: script command sendMidiRawBytes was not always working properly. - Fixed minor bug: error console would stay behind main window when triggering menu item "Show error console" if console has already been shown. R-2.1.1 2023-07-04 - Fix a bug: addTemporaryGoToMarker script command was not working properly R-2.1.0 2023-07-04 - Audio Recording now keeps tuning and length when tempo is changed (using Soundtouch library). This is useful for practicing a part at a slower tempo. When returning to the original tempo, record loops that were not recorded in the new tempo use original data to avoid quality loss.- Added monitor mode for recording or playing : In loops or when track is selected - Added script commands for setting chain's monitoring modes - Added script command for getting a track position: getTrackPosition - Added script command for getting the number of loops on a track - Added script command for getting the nth loop on a track - Added a script command to add a temporary GoTo Marker - Added a system variable to know if we are in jam mode ($isInJamMode) - Now possible to set the bank (using a user arg before next or previous bank shortcuts) - Fix a bug: Load script would not show the correct folder after a saveAs - Fix a bug: Sometimes, when working with a temporary project name, commands for saving and loading a Snapshot were shown but not effectrive. Now, related item menu are disabled in this case - Fix a major bug: the arm record pending note problem (in jam mode) R-2.0.6 2023-06-21 - Fixed a major bug. Sometimes, in Jam mode, changing from overdub to record, notes could be pending - Fixed a minor bug. ShortcutID for "Select loop" was same as "Merge loop", making it impossible to call it in a script - Fixed a minor display issue: Overlay message in jam mode could be white over white making it impossible to see R-2.0.5 2023-04-29 - Fixed a bug with activation of Advanced Version. No need to upgrade unless yo bought and Advaned version License. Pro version were fine. R-2.0.4 2023-04-25 - Fixed a minor bug: modifiyng a script marker (filename, parameters) while it's script was running was resulting in LTG wronly showing that a script was running. R-2.0.3 2023-04-25 - Fixed a major bug: trying to remove an invalid output audio mapping could cause a crash if a valid audio input mapping were used. R-2.0.2 2023-04-24 - Fixed a bug: Modification of arguments for script markers was not taken into account - Fixed a minor bug: Manage Script Dialog was long to close when closing the application - Fixed minor display issue: length of vertical bars were not always computed after use of script command setLoopStartAndEnd. - Known bug: removing audio mapping for a mapped audio IO in use maiy result in a crash. Workaround: remove the mapping before loading any song. R-2.0.1 2023-04-24 - Fix a bug: missing script associated with Script marker would show a blocking window hidden by another window making the app fozen. R-2.0.0 2023-04-24 - Added Script language functionality (launch script through markers, MIDI events, custom buttons or keyboard shortcuts) - User shortcuts can now be specific to song (saved with song) - Added bunch of temporary markers for use in the scripting language (temporary markers disappear when the song is stopped) - User can now set a Registry key to work in a different path than the default one ({user}/Documents) - Added a way to filter MIDI events on a Midi Mapped IO - Added MIDI learn for showing a plugin Interface - Added volume for Output to other chain - Added a "Add new path..." in Preferences/Plugin - Added a new type of MIDI trigger : Pitch Bend. Pitch Bend is a special case since Note and Velocity are used to specify the value. User should use this trigger with scripts only and process Note and Velocity. - Added possibility to mute record loop while recording but unmute it while playing - LoopToGo now supports path with shortcut in it - Fixed a display bug: Play loop with negative delay would not display delay. - Fixed a bug: when there was space at the beginning of a plugins path, the folder was not read. - Fixed a minor bug: the tree views were resetted (un-expanded) when auto saving - Fixed a minor bg: Drag and drop can now be made only with valid plugin name (it could be made for Label such as vendor, Category, etc for a new chain) - Changed behavior: When vertical fit view is selected, drawing the selection rectangle will not result in vertical scrolling if the selection rectangle goes out of view vertically. - Fixed a minor bug: using the ALT modifier with the mouse wheel could result in a space above first track. - Fixed a minor bug: CTR-N (New Song) would change the cursor from SelectMode to HandMode and vice-versa. Now SelectMode is always set after newSong is called - Fixed a bug: in jam mode, after setting a new jam loop in another track (over dub or record mode), MIDI notes played in pre-record period could be lost (and not played) R-1.15.6 2023-04-04 - Fixed a major bug: Communication between DSp and UI was not working properly for some plugins - Fixed a minor bug: the tree views were resetted (un-expanded) when the auto saving - Fixed a minor bug: Drag and drop can now be made only with valid plugin name (it could be made for Label such as vendor, Catehgory, etc for a new chain) R-1.15.5 2023-03-05 - Fixed a major bug. When using an Output bus with 2 "Tap to" input and 1 Output, LoopToGo would crash R-1.15.4 2023-03-05 - Autosave now always save audio and MIDI data (in a separate folder). R-1.15.3 2023-03-02 - Fixed a minor bug: JamMarker was "semi-activated" when playimg song (not recording), causing the song not to pan automatically R-1.15.2 2023-02-16 - Fixed a bug with Set Volume for main volume slider. - Chain name line edit now behave properly (double click select all characters and partial selection si possible) - Close Error console at LoopToGo exit - Bring Error Console on top when clicking on View/Show Error console and console is below other windows R-1.15.1 2023-02-13 - Make sure that the "Open download page..." button open the latest download page by adding a parameter with a random value at the end of the address - Fixed a bug: CCState option was not reload properly - Changed a behavior: when a new marker is created and the markers properties is shown, if the user hit the cancel button, the marker is deleted - Changed a behavior: marker added from menu are now at songTick (was at bar 2) - Hitting Enter on the filter field of the Midi console does not hide the console anymore - Fixed a bug: in some cases there would be an offset between the mouse and a marker when moving a marker from bar 1.0 - Improved the text explaining the CCState option in the Track Properties dialog R-1.15.0 2023-02-10 - Auto save feature added - Xml project file saved with Snapshot so it's now possible to reload it if needed - Added "First empty track" as a choice in "Jam mode marker" - Display is adapted when mouse is over superposed markers - Check box for auto saving a snapshot after a whole song has been recorded - Now possible to create a snapshot for all songs in a playlist - Added ways to select loops in a section or under a GoTo marker - Now possible to select loops and/or markers by dragging a rectangle - Now possible to display Left Audio Only, Right Audio only or Both (Preferences->General). Before, only Left Audio was displayed. - Actual and next chord are now shown in Structure view - Midi console can now show triggered shortcuts - Message for missing plugins (user will be asked for a name to save this song) - Now possible to use LoopToGo on different computers using same shared {user}/documents folder - Now possible to clear Error console - Metronome volume is now saved for all songs. two metronome volumes (one for record and one for play) have been added to in the Song info dialog and are saved with song. - Added shortcuts for horizontal zoom in and zoom out (CTR= and CTR-) - Important change of behavior: a Goto Marker (or temporary Gooto Marker) will not be taken into account at the beginning of a section after a Goto Section. This allows more jamming scenario (in Jam mode and/or with Goto Markers) - Change of behavior: double click on a Section in the Structure view when the song is stopped will set the song tick and the start tick to the beginning of the section (behavior when song is playing has not changed) - Change of behavior: a new plugin will reset its parameters to default value (except for a chain or a song). Since release 1.13.0 a plugin picked from the recycle bin would keep its current value. - Change of behavior for copy and paste of many loops (always work in the reference of the first most left loop when pasting) - Changed the recycle bin behavior : only use it for plugin loaded with song and chain - MiddleMouse press will be used as HandMode if in SelectMode and vice-versa - Set minumum note size to 3 pixels (was 1 and could be hidden by measure lines) - Now make sure that a loop or a marker is not moved below measure 1 - Improved creation of a unique name when Track is duplicated or a new track is added. - Improved behavior of CTR-G shortcut (toggle Goto maker around under mouse loop or selected loops) - Fixed a major bug: moving a loop would change its length sometimes - Fixed a major bug: LoopToGo would crash when restarting some ASIo drivers - Fixed a bug: In some cases a Jam loop would be cleared when the song is playing (not recording) - Fixed a minor bug: a Play loop would not play if a valid Input was not selected for the track - Fixed a bug: Meldaproduction plugin were showing an error message - Fixed a major bug in the resampling algorithm that would cause erratic value and the end of a loop for particular resamplig ratio (44.1 to 48.1) in some cases - Fixed a bug: audio engine would stay active when loading a song when persistentChainsActiveWhenLoadingSong was true even if there were no persistent chain. - Fixed bug: select the first track with a record loop starting at the marker when the jam marker is set to "Selected track" but no track is selected. - Fixed a bug: moving a chain in Chain editor view would not always work properly when a chain was hidden in the Looper view - Fixed a minor bug: plugin removed from a Fx Chain would not go into the recycle bin (only those removed when a whole chain was removed) - Fixed a minor display bug: marker would not show for a small region at the right of the view. - Fixed a minor bug: when a single loop is selected, all markers are unselected - Fixed a bug: in some rare cases, it was possible to resize a loop to a length of 0. Then deleting this loop would cause LTG to crash. - Fixed a major bug with export audio data. A play loop not linked with a record loop would cause a crash. - Fixed a display bug with delete, cut and pasting superposed loops (Looper view was not updated properly) - Dialog MIDI learn is always refreshed when Midi button is pressed on Plugin Widget. Was done only the first time and the user had to hit Refresh button. - Use a warning Message box instead of an Information box when appropriate. - Improved unit tests R-1.14.4 2023-01-26 - Fix a major bug in loop memory allocation that could create very high values when lowering tempo R-1.14.3 2023-01-24 - Use of Plugin Recycle bin is now deactivated by default and can be activated in Preferences. Reason: some plugins do not implement getState/setState properly resulting in strange behavior or even crashes R-1.14.2 2023-01-17 - Fix bug: Loading an audio file with a different sample rate than the ASIO driver could cause the addition of harmonics (when the two rates were non-multiple) and a loss of low frequencies R-1.14.1 2023-01-10 - Added sound files for metronome - Metronome merged audio now is not muted when song is stopped - Fix a major bug: metronome merged output ws not working since release 1.13.0 - Fix a minor bug: moving a chain (drag and drop) in the Chain editor view was not done properly when the Song structure (CTRL-U)was visible. R-1.14.0 2022-12-01 - Added Plugin CPU usage console. This is a great tool for chosing low CPU demanding plugins for optimal live performance - Minor change: increase min max MIDI note fields in Select IO dialog R-1.13.5 2022-11-24 - Surge XT is now working - Fixed a minor bug: dragging a chain (or song or playlist) from the Chain browser would show an unloaded plugin (bug introduced in 1.13.3) R-1.13.4 2022-11-17 - Fixed a major bug: in some rare cases, a MIDI noteOff played very closed to the end of a Record loop would not be played back - Changed behavior: a On played at the end of a record loop within the pre-record time is not recorded if there is a record or play loop after (it used to be recorded only if there was no record loop after) - Fixed a minor bug: the MIDI note length was not displayed properly in free tempo (after the second record hit) if a track was using quantization. The Note would end at the correct bar though. Just a display issue. - Fixed a display bug: note length were not displayed properly at play for play loops with offset and speed change R-1.13.3 2022-11-15 - Now possible to change chain position via drag and drop in Chain Editor view and Persistent Chain Editor view. - Change behavior : select right of left for one track does not select markers any more (select for all tracks still selects markers) - Increased bottom right message widget - Fixed minor bug : Ctrl-Wheel would not zoom exactly at mouse if Song structure view was visible - Alphabetic order in browser (plugins, chains, etc.) is now Case Insensitive R-1.13.2 2022-11-11 - Fixed a bug in marker sorting algorithm for inactive Markers - Fixed a bug: MIDI note was not played (but was recorded) when played at the end of a record loop and just before another record loop within the pre-record time R-1.13.1 2022-11-10 - Fixed major bug with chords editor introduced in 1.11.4. Manually creating a new comment line would make LoopToGo crashes sometimes - Fixed a major bug: undoing "Add a loop" while song was playing could sometimes make LoopToGo crash - Fixed a bug: deleting a comment line would not delete the corresponding marker - Fixed minor bug: undo would not work for Adding a Play loop with shortcut F or I when playLoop was not linked to a Record Loop R-1.13.0 2022-11-09 - Output bus can now be tapped to another bus (in addition to being inserted on an output bus) - Added Master Bus (similar to Output buses but inserted into real bus and no TapTo possibility) - Plugin recycled bin is used to speed up song loading!!!! Using the same plugins from song to song will drastically reduce loading time!! - Can now Save and reload Audio mapping configuration - Added channel filtering in MIDI learn - Added channel and text filtering in the MIDI console - Detects if another instance of LoopToGo is running. Refuse to start if so. - Increased Tap Tempo averaging - Fixed a bug with mono bus (was not set properly to mono after song loading) - Fixed a minor bug: set label to "Ouput: " in Mapping dialog for Ouputs (label was always "Input: ") - Fixed a bug: moving a track up and down in looper view while some tracks were hidden would not work as expected - Fixed a minor bug: clicking on Cancel in the Add mapping dialog would add a mapping - Enabled sorting in Audio mapping table - When a plugin is not found when loading a song, the plugin is displayed in red. When the user click on the plugin name, a message pops up. Warning: if you save the song, the parameters will be lost! - Fixed a bug: MIDI event out channel was not shown properly in MIDI console (it was channel - 1) - Fixed a bug: note would not always be stopped on external MIDI synth when song stops - Fixed bug with CC state not always recorded properly at beginning of first record loop in Free mode tempo - Fixed a bug: metronome merge audio would not play after reloading the ASIO driver R-1.12.0 2022-10-27 - Now possible to map many names on the same audio IO (inputs and outputs). - Improved audio mapping edition - Show only one meter if chain output is mono R-1.11.5 2022-10-24 - CC and PitchWheel state is played and recorded at beginning of loops - Now possible to export Raw MIDI data or Quantized and humanized MIDI data - Fixed a major bug: trying to export tracks while song has not been saved once would make LoopToGo crash!! - Fixed a few bugs in MIDI track export - Fixed a bug: in some cases, polyPressure events were not transposed when needed - Fixed a bug: track audio export now support superposed loops - Fixed a bug with display of reverse MIDI loops (notes beginning at the end of loops were displayed). R-1.11.4 2022-10-21 - Now possible to specify a bar value inside a section comment in the chors editor - Now possible to move Chords section markers in the looper view. The somments in the Chords editor are adjusted accordingly - Now possible to set custom image size in Chords viewer - Section length is now displayed in the Song's structure view - Fixed a bug with display of Song's signature when num or den was 2 digits. R-1.11.3 2022-10-19 - Chords viewer now supports images. Note: Images are allways centered. They can be set to fit viewer width or height. Many images can be placed side by side R-1.11.2 2022-10-17 - Improved overall locking/unlocking loops for Jam mode and Goto section functionality - Double click on a track name in the looper view expands this track vertically. Double click again and it returns to its previous state - Lock loop in jam mode now toggle between "Temporary locked" and "permanent lock" - Pause markers can now be used in jam mode - Temporary locked loops are shown in lighter gray (almost white). Mnemotechnic help : gray = stone = permanent, white = snow = temporary - Alt Mouse Wheel now vertically zoom in and zoom out the looper view - Fixed a minor bug: Selected "Temporary locked" loops now increase line width R-1.11.1 2022-10-15 - Added Shortcuts to jump to section X after end of current section. Section numbering use the same bank as tracks - Fixed a major bug: after a record and a stop, the metronome output monitoring (merged audio) would not be on - Fixed a major bug: dynamic keyboard shortcuts were not read back! - Fixed a minor bug: some shortcuts were not assignable to keyboard key (other than the ones requiring a knon or slider) - Fixed a minor bug: the display of the "Free tempo mode" in the record loop would not changed after a track is selected with keyboard shortcuts. - Fixed a minor bug: In the Song Structure view, if the Tick were passed the last section marker, it would not show in which section the tick was. - Fixed a minor bug: When the Song Structure view was shown for the first time, it would not show in which section the tick was. R-1.11.0 2022-10-14 - Added Export functionality for track MIDI and audio raw data - Added Song's structure (based on ChordsSection Markers and Section Markers). Can be shown in View/Song's structure or CTR-U - Added many shortcuts for navigation with the Section markers - Added more parameters to Quantization : Quantize Note Off, Strength, Velocity, Bias and Humanization - Added Loop ID in Loop properties dialog. This can be useful to find the MIDI and audio data file - Added "Selected Track" option for the Jam Mode Marker - Added a Shortcut (Shift D) to set the default bar length for shortcut A and F - Added a Shortcut (Shift U) to lock the current jam loop - Added a new field in Chords editor to set the bar value: {barValue} - MyConf.xml is now save when the preferences dialog ok button is pressed (as well as when the program exit) - New Playloop are now linked to the first selected record loop if any - Fixed a major bug: Shotcut ID 90 would make LoopToGo crash if applied over a PlayLoop! - Fixed a bug: MIDI event would not show in small reversed loop (but would play) - Fixed a bug with Select Next Loop (Shortcut N). If loops were consecutive, it would skip to the next one - Fixed a bug: was desactivating Song's chains when loading song even if persistent chains was empty - Fixed a minor bug: Free tempo mode is not shown when Record is hit from the second time (this was a problem for jam loop) - Fixed a minor bug in the detection of FadeIn and Fadeout handles - Fixed a minor bug: CTR-LEFT would go to the start of second loop (instead of the first) - Fixed a minor bug: nextBar and previousBar now only change the Song Start Tick when song is playing or recording - Fixed a minor bug: Max and min notes where not properly computed after a MIDI file drop. R-1.10.4 2022-10-05 - Shortcuts ID 87, 88, 89 and 90 now work for Play loop as well - Added shortcut for creating infinity Record loop (CTR-I) - Shortcut I adds "infinite" play loop even if the track is empty - Added shortcuts for reversing a play loop (CTR-SHIFT-R), setting the play loop delay ([bar] CTR-SHIFT-D) and speed ([velocity] VTR-SHIFT-V) - When user click outside a track in Looper view, the current selected track stay selected R-1.10.3 2022-10-03 - Improved looper view graphics fluidity - Improved songTick display stability - Fixed a minor bug with display range of MIDI notes for Play loop with different speed but "Change MIDI pitch" not checked - Added some script commands - Added Shortcuts to select the first record loop crossing the Song Tick - Added Shortcuts to select the next record loop crossing the Song Tick - Made sure all items related to Play Loops in loop properties were disabled when dialog was for a Record Loop - Fixed a minor bug with display range of MIDI notes for Play loop with different speed but "Change MIDI pitch" not checked - Fixed a bug with MIDI notes played at the end of a truncated quantized play loop R-1.10.2 2022-09-27 - Support for mouse with horizontal wheel - Duplicate track now also copy plugins parameters!!! - Plugin Drag and drop and holding SHIFT from a chain now copy parameters to the new plugin (slower). Drag and drop without holding SHIFT won't copy the parameters (faster and useful to reset a plugin to its default parameters) - When hovering over a Plugin widget, the latency is shown at the bottom right corner of the main window (message area) - Plugin latency shown in Plugin window header - Fix a minor bug: make sure that the channel and changeToChannel parameters in MyMidiList.xml are not corrupted - midiNoteOn with velocity 0 from a MIDI device is converted to midiNoteOff when received. Some keyboards (eg. Novation) are doinf it this way! R-1.10.1 2022-09-25 - Fixed a bug with wrong sampleDelay sent to plugins that would cause a delay in CC commands for some plugins (eg. Kontakt) - Fixed a bug introduced in 1.10.0 for some midilearn functions not working with MIDI inputs that changed MIDI channel R-1.10.0 2022-09-22 - Added a way in preferences to change a MIDI event channel received by a Chain. This is useful for multi-instruments plugins where MIDI channel can be assigned to an instrument. - Play loop speed can now be changed for audio and MIDI. For audio, the pitch will be changed accordingly. See help page for details - Play loop can now be play in reverse. See help page for details - Play loop can now have an offset (start of the loop related to the record loop). See help page for details - Added a volume control for the Metronome merged audio - Now possible to set SongTick in the space between 2 loops (vertically). Yeah!!! - Metronome merged audio can now be heard while song is not playing or recording - Added a message on looper view if the Standard chains are inactive - Improved MIDI behavior and display while using Jam mode (MIDI note longer than loop) - Impoved MIDI read back when MIDI note are longer than loop - Limited loop length to 200 for shortcut A (add record loop here) and F (Add play loop here) - Loop Properties dialog when many loops are selected: now possible to apply change to All, Only parameters that were changed of to select each parameter individually - Fixed a bug with Add Section Marker MIDI shortcut (was using same ID as ToggleSectionMarker) - Add CutHere, CutHereAddPlay, CutHereRemoveNext, CutHereRemoveNextRecordAddPlay shortcuts - Fixed a bug : if the same note were played twice from different MIDI channels, only one note would turn off at the end of a loop (if no midiNoteOff received) - Increase font for loop's name - Fixed offset in context menu dispaly for play Loop After Link To list (using submenu now) R-1.9.5 2022-09-15 - Fixed a bug with expression note that were not moved while moving a record loop - Allow some Plugins to show up even if view->getSize fails : some plugins from Native Instruments (Guitar Rig, Raum, etc.) have this behavior. R-1.9.4 2022-09-09 - Changed dlls distributed with LoopToGo: back to old dlls (same as 1.7.4) because the new dlls would cause a black screen on some computers. If release 1.8.0 to 1.9.3 were working fine, no need to install 1.9.4. R-1.9.3 2022-09-08 - SongTree now supports subdir - Focus is set to Marker name when the Marker properties dialog shows up. R-1.9.2 2022-09-06 - Improved Marker creation and edition process - The marker dialog shows after a marker is created (Shift-click will create a stop marker without showing the properties dialog) - The properties menu can be access in other mode than Selection mode - Added a shortcut to create a Section marker (CTRL-K). Marker is created at songTick if song is not playing and at songTickStart if song is playing or recording - Goto destination is at measure (bar - 1.0, min 1.0) by default (was 0.0!!!) - Added shortcuts name in myConf.xml. Not used but can help users to find shortcuts or MIDI learn assignments. - Improved titles for some dialog windows R-1.9.1 2022-09-05 - Added top menu for adding and loading a chain - Fixed a minor bug : when a selected track is masked, the Console track stayed selected R-1.9.0 2022-09-01 - Added shortcuts for jam mode (available for MIDI and keybord shortcuts) : - Arm Track X for Record (at the end of the loop) - Arm Track X for Overdub (at the end of the loop) - Record now on Track X - Overdub now on Track X - "Jam" Lock Track X - Added a overlay message on the Song Chain editor view and the Persistent Chain editor view when they are not active to avoid confusion - Added a button to show the MIDI console from the Select IO dialog window. - Added a button to show the MIDI console from the Midi learn dialog window. - Reorganized the Midi learn dialog window to make it clearer. - Track selection is shown in console as well (selected track border is white) - Improved Help Dialog - Improved About Dialog - Improved Check Version Dialog - Fixed Important bug : if the user clicked above all the chain names in the looper view, a ghost marker would be added there. This marker could prevent the song from playing or recording!!! R-1.8.4 2022-08-26 - Added Timestamp and Song Tick to MIDI console - Fixed a bug related to quantization : make sure a noteOff stays after the corresponding noteOn after quantization. See the help page for Quantization use cases - Fixed small bug : when duplicating a track, the quantization value would not be copied (but the data were quanticized)! R-1.8.3 2022-08-03 - Fixed a bug: "Mute loop while recording" parameter was not applied for MIDI events - Fixed a minor behavior: view will now shift when going outside screen while drawing a record or Play Loop (was doing so only when changig loop size) - Fixed a bug: Output to other chain was not sending MIDI events to other chain if there was more than a Plugin Fx in the sending chain. Note: plugins must be capable of passing MIDI event to the next one! R-1.8.2 2022-08-02 - Fixed a bug with new metronome merged output features (audio outputs were merged to same metronome audio channel in stereo mode) R-1.8.1 2022-08-01 - Added a possibility to add a merged output channels to the metronome. This is useful for live performance so the user can hear the metronome on a headset (or earplug) as well as the outputs used for the crowd (the crowd won't hear the metronome) - Fixed a bug : changing asio driver would make application to crash if a chain was active R-1.8.0 2022-07-31 Important - known bug : changing ASIO driver bloc size for a higher value would make LoopToGo to crash if there was at least a plugin loaded (some plugins are fine though). Use one of the workarounds below until the bug is fixed. Note that this bug has always been there. Workaround 1: quit LoopToGo, increase the buffer size with the driver interface, start LoopToGo Workaround 2: Remove all chains - Song's chains (Save song then CTR-N) and Persistent chains (Save the persistent chains if used, delete all persitent chains manually). Increase the buffer size. Reload Song and persistent chains. - Added a loop volume functionality (volume < 1 are shown with a continuous line, volume > 1.0 are shown with a dotted line) - Added a loop properties dialog (now mainly for loop volume but for future use also) - Added a Midi event console (View/Show MIDI console...) - LoopToGo can now detect and connect new MIDI devices (the reconnection occurs when a song is not playing or recording). There is also a way to force the rescanning of MIDI devices in the Midi Console - Added possibilities to change volume for a loop or list of selected loops - Increased the zoom limit for the looper view - Increased the fadin/fadeout handle size - The Filter field in the Plugin browser view now keeps the focus until the user click somewhere else. Previously, it would loose the focus when the mouse hovered the looper View. This was really annoying! - Fixed problems with loops drawned outside of boundaries sometimes - Fixed problems with "Include resume at end of loop" option having no effect when checked or not - Fixed minor bug: drag and drop of plugin to Persistent chain aera would create Chain in Songs chain aera. Fixed : now created in Persistent chain aera. - Fixed minor bug: can now select Device Name or Mapped Name to remove a MIDI mapping in Preferences dialog - Improved Looper view graphics behavior when zooming with lyrics showned - Fixed major bug : changing ASIO driver bloc size would make LoopToGo to crash if there was a persistent chain - Fixed a minor bug. "Lyrics and chords" menu (View menu) was not always checked after loading a song that would show lyrics and chords R-1.7.4 2022-06-17 - Added Transport buttons "MIDI learn" to shortcuts list. There are some redundancy in shortcuts but they are kept there for backward compatibility - Modify Home, End, Ctr-Left behavior. When song is stopped: move SongTick. When song is playing or recording: move startTick. Also, Home goes to bar 1 and CTR-left goes to start of first loop (or to bar 1 if there is no loop) R-1.7.3 2022-06-16 - Now possible to load Snapshot to selected loops only - LoopToGo does not change font size anymore when user select to scale os fonts in display settings. Scaling above 125% were causing problems. The drawback is that the fonts may appear a little blurred. User wanting to take into account the os scaling just have to edit the qt.conf file where LoopToGo is installed though it is not recommended for scaling abobe 125% R-1.7.2 2022-06-15 - IMPORTANT: This version fixes a major bug introduced in release 1.7.0. Everyone should upgrade! - Fixed bug : Midi audio loop data were not read back for locked loop (bug introduced in 1.7.0) R-1.7.1 2022-06-14 - IMPORTANT: This version fixes a major bug introduced in release 1.6.0. Everyone should upgrade! - Fixed major bug : switching to persistent chain when loading a song even if not wanted or no persistent chain. This result in lack of sound for user without persistent chain - Fixed bug : Locked audio loop data were not read back for locked loop(bug introduced in 1.7.0) - Minor change with loop context menu. If a loop is locked or audio locked or MIDI locked, the menu shows "Unlock loop" R-1.7.0 2022-06-09 - Added Save and load Audio and Midi data Snapshots. See help page for details. - Added Save and load of Best Take. See help page for details. - Added Cheat mode (re-use of pre-saved best take on demand for play loop) : CTR-Shift-A and CTR-Shift-B shortcuts. See help page for details. - Improved selection (and multi selection) of loop(s) R-1.6.1 2022-05-19 - Always switches to Song's chains when trigerring Rewind, Rewind All, Play or Record. In version 1.6.0, it was not the case when the user went manually to Persistent Chains (Only after using Persistent chains while loading a Song). R-1.6.0 2022-05-15 - Added support for Persistent chains. Persistent chains are chains that are automatically loaded when LoopToGo starts and automatically saved when exiting LoopToGo. Persistent chains are very useful on a live performance context. For more details, see the help page on our website (www.looptogo.com) - Min and max MIDI learn works with Control event as well (as Toggle event) R-1.5.16 2022-05-03 - Added Playlist support (Playlists must be created outside LoopToGo and put in {User Documents}/LoopToGo/Playlist/*.txt) R-1.5.15 2022-05-02 -Fixed a bug : impossible to select some ASIO outputs if nb of inputs were different of nb of outputs and not using name mapping. Workaround for release prior to 1.5.15 : usage of namemapping for ASIO outputs R-1.5.14 2022-04-24 - Fixed a bug : first MIDI note at the very beginning of a song would not be played (when replaying a song) R-1.5.13 2022-04-21 - Fixed a bug introduced in Release 1.5.7 : ASIO driver was not closed properly at program exit resulting in some noise. R-1.5.12 2022-04-21 - IMPORTANT : this version has a bug with ASIO driver not closing properly at program exit resulting in some noise and has been removed from web site. All users that downloaded this version (down to 1.5.7 )should upgrade to a more recent version. - Fixed important bug with MIDI save introduced in Release 1.5.11. Release 1.5.11 should not be used! - Support for accentuated characters in Song and Chain filenames - Fixed a bug in chords viewer : Chords variation5 and variation6 values were not read back properly R-1.5.11 2022-04-18 - IMPORTANT : this version has a bug with MIDI save function (data are offseted) and has been removed from web site. All users that downloaded this version should upgrade to a more recent version. - Fixed bug in position of MIDI event read back from a file for long loop with many events such as automation (cumulative error ) - Position of ChordsSection in tick was not computed after a change of bar between 2 chords (position in bar was good) - Fixed bug with MIDI learned event not playing after save and read MIDI file. R-1.5.10 2022-04-16 - Added support for ASIOSTInt24LSB (ASIO 24 bit format). Thank you Don! - Added 2 new markers type : Section (user can add them) and ChordsSection (automatically added from comments within brackets in ChordsEditor) - Show Song Sections (comment within brackets) in looper view - Added Option in configure dialog to show or not show Song Sections in Looper view - Added Shorcuts (Y) to show/hide Song Sections in Looper view - NextLoop and Previous Loop shortcuts go to markers as well - NextLoop and previous Loop set songTickStart when song is playing or recording and songTick when song is stopped R-1.5.9 2022-04-14 - Added U shortcut : Unlock loop now - Added D shortcut : Set loop in Overdub mode now - Added MIDI learn for "Set selected track's volume" - Added MIDI learn for "Set selected track's pan" - Added shortcut for "Toggle mute selected track" - Add a way to add a marker through upper menu - The destination of a goto markers does not move anymore if there is no other selected items (loops or markers) R-1.5.8 2022-04-06 - Fix a bug with merging loops (rigth deleted loop was still in list of selected loops so moving or resizing could make application crash after a merge) R-1.5.7 2022-04-05 - Better support of external MIDI file (for drag and drop) - Added Error console (will show error code if ASIO data format is not supported) R-1.5.6 2022-04-01 - Added a "Loops and markers" top menu - Added a way to merge two consecutive loops (via the "Loops and markers" top menu and via CTRL-M shortcut) - CTR-click on the Fx buttons on a console widget will show/hide all console fx sections - Added toolTip to the following widgets in ths songInfo dialog : Tap button, Use Button, Manual tempo label, Free Tempo checkbox and Tempo lower limit box - Added Undo(CTRL-Z)/Redo(CTRL-Y) for Cut loop - Added Undo(CTRL-Z)/Redo(CTRL-Y) for Merge loops - Reset fadeIn/fadeOut volume after a rewind - CTRL-J and CRTL-G adds and remove (toggle) markers for loop under mouse!!!! - CTRL-Down toggle next loop selection (for the selected track) - Loops locked only for Jam mode now have a different color than standard locked loop (darker gray) - Fixed a few bugs for Undo/Redo - Fixed a bug : in rare cases, MIDI noteLength was not computed correctly - Send MIDI note off at end of record loops if has not been played - Fixed a bug : if two loops were close (within pre-record distance) but not consecutive, plugins processing would momentary stop - Fixed a bug : stop marker would not reset fadeIn/fadeOut volume - Fixed a bug : MIDI events were not copied properly when doing copy/cut and paste on a loop - Fixed a bug : cycleLocked state was not copied properly when doing copy/cut and paste on a loop R-1.5.5 2022-03-25 - Added "Add Jam Marker at the beginning" in loop's context menu - Added Shortcut "[bar] CTR-G" for adding a GoTo marker around a moise over loop. If a bar is sepcified before, the Goto marker will lead from the end of the loop to this bar otherwise, it will lead to the start of the loop. - Fixed major bug with CTRL-Z (undo) : would make the application crash! Bug introduced in release 1.5.0! R-1.5.4 2022-03-24 - Fixed a bug with Loop fade-in and fade-out not working for MIDI sender (output to other chain) - Fixed a bug with monitoring state having no effect with MIDI sender (output to other chain) R-1.5.3 2022-03-22 - Fixed a bug introduced in 1.5.2 : stop markers make the program freeze R-1.5.2 2022-03-19 - Smoother audio start and stop - Fixed bug : In Jam mode, MIDI note played at end would be sent to next loop (different track) also - Knonw bug : Stop markers make the software freeze R-1.5.1 2022-03-18 - Made start of audio record loop in free mode smoother - Fixed a bug : 2 MIDI notes were send to a receiver from the same sender - Fixed a bug : sometimes, a sequencer plugin would play the first event when song started even if it was outside a loop - Fixed a bug in display when more than one same MIDI notes were received from 2 different senders (notelength was computed for only one note) R-1.5.0 2022-03-16 - Added free tempo features : when activated, the tempo is computed from the first record loop. The user must press record twice : at start to begin record and once again to end the loop and compute the tempo. - Implented smooth audio transition between loops - When recording starts in a middle of MIDI loop, past MIDI events are not cleared, only events at right of songTick (same behavior as audio) - Display improvement : Midi note are always at least 5 pixels - Modified SongInfo dialog (free tempo mode, numerator was below denominator) - Tracks are grayed when muted - Added option to delete track froom the Looper view (right click on a track name -> Delete track) - Paste loop is now done at SongTickStart (yellow line) and not SongTick (blue line), in order to be useable while song is playing or recording. - Midi Panic now sends a Sustain pedal off message (CC 64 0) after all notes off to avoid a pending note if a Sustain pedal On message was sent (CC 64 127). - Fix major bug with cut and paste of loops (software would crashe in many use cases while playing or recording) - Fix major bug : when jam marker was linked to a deleted chain, LoopToGo would crash! - Fixed bug with muted record loop : the data was added and not replaced - Fixed bug with overlapping loops on the same track : loop data was added to the input of other loops - Fixed bug with audio engine : data was not cleared in certains conditions (noise at start of recording) - Fixed minor bugs with metronome - Fixed a bug with MIDI save and load: if MIDI data for a loop were cleared and song saved, reloading the song would reload the oldest MIDI data - Known bug : when using MIDI sender and receiver (output to other chain), MIDI note are sent twice to plugins! R-1.4.6 2022-03-02 - Added track panning (Console GUI and MIDI learn through track banks) R-1.4.5 2022-03-01 - Fixed bug: Midi sequencer plugin would play too early for sender track - Fixed bug: Note recorded before loop would not play the first time if song was rewinded and replay - Fixed bug: Midi sequencer now always play if "Monitor always on" is sele R-1.4.4 2022-02-23 - Fixed a minor bug with Metronome : On some rare ocasions, the metronome would go in a mode where the first click is "doubled". R-1.4.3 2022-02-21 - Only set "start" tick when song is playing or recording and user click (in select mode), Press shift key to force setting song tick also. - Fixed some bugs with MIDI engine : - Event could play twice when very short and quantization On (ex Drums) - Event could play twice at border when in Jam mode - Event would not play immediately when metronome was before start and in pre-record - Fixed bug : Jam loops were cleared when record start at beginning of jam loop and "Clear jam loop.." was unchecked - Fixed minor display bug : Marker were partially shown when at bar = 1.0 - Fixed minor display bug : Nb of metronome tick was not shown properly after loading a song - Fixed bug : metronome tracks were not reinitalized after New Song command (Ctrl-N). Would lead to inconsistent metronome if old tempo was not 120. R-1.4.2 2022-02-16 - Added option for not clearing jam loops when starting recording (in Preferences/General) - Added option for monitoring track when selected in pause mode - Preferences window will keep it's dimension if resized - Chain's state (muted or not) is kept after unsoloing other chains and bring back after unsoloing all - Chord editor : tabs are recognized and set to gray - Added nb of preRecord and prePlay ticks info on Transport display - Shortcut E can also be used to erase selected loops (ask user before) in addition to erasing active jam loop - Fix bug in chain widget : height was not adapted to plugins after a drag and drop of a saved chain R-1.4.1 2022-02-14 - Added User Interface for Metronome : Volume slider, Always On button and Mute button - Track must now be selected to clear a Jam loop (to avoid erasing the wrong loop) - Jam loops are erased only if songTick is before or equal to the start of the loops - Improved behavior of shortcuts A, F and I - Added shortcut N : Select Next Record loop - Fixed bug with shortcut "[x] V" when x was provided and not taken into account R-1.4.0 2022-02-11 - Added shortcut for adding a jam marker here (Ctr-J) - Added shortcuts for adding Record loop, Play loop [bar] A, [bar] F and I (A = create Record loop, F = Create Play loop, I = Create verylong play loop. bar is optionnal, if used will become the default) - Modified short cut V (Set start tick here) : [bar] V (optional bar before to set start tick to bar) - Shortcut V also unselect all lopps and select loop if over a loop and track is selected. Shift-V add loop to the already selected loops. - Improved tick dicretization accuracy (audio engine) - Limit Tempo to 1015 BPM. This is the record for the highest song ever recorded. If you want to achieve an official record with LoopToGo, contact us, we will be happy to set the limit to 1016 just for you! :-) - Volume for sender chains and receiver chains now affect the output volume - Added track number to ChainWidget in Chain editor view - Click on the chain number (in Chain Editor view) allows the user to change the chain's color - Audio and MIDI can now be recorded in a receiving chain (Note : it is not recommended to record in a sender and a receiver at the same time because the play back will sum the 2 signals (audio and/or MIDI)) - Known bug in this release : if loops are in a Receiver chain, MIDI note will always play (to be fixed in later releases) - Metronome Always on can now be changed while song is playing or recording - Added shortcut for showing Preferences dialog : Ctrl+, - Added right click menu on the console - Fixed a major bug : the software could crash if a record loop was added over the current ticck while playing or recording. - Fixed a major bug : audio would miss data at end of loop while in Overdub mode causing a "clic" - Fixed bug with Metronome : conflict when always on and playing before start - When metronome is set to "Always on", "after tick" is set to 0 - When Metronome "Afetr playing" is set to other than 0 , "Always on" is unset - Improved Format chords in chords viewer (symbols are now taken into account as chords and not lyrics) - Improve Chainwidget overall speed (retreiving and multiple draws) - Added many script commands (hidden feature) - Fixed a bug : pluginWidget was to narrow when chain was loaded from looper view - Fixed desinchronization issue with very long loops - Make sure volume stay low after the end of fading loop when there is no other loop (to avoid volume step) R-1.3.3 2022-01-27 - Added "Input bus" capability (chain inserted in an input channel and will affect all chain using this input channel) - Improved MIDI engine especially for special cases in jam mode (note played very close to end of loop) - Fixed bug with quantization not beeing read back - Fixed most of the memory leaks (known problem : plugin memory is not always freed...) - Improved script langage (hidden feature) - Improved marker priorities - Improve robustness for reading xml file - Fixed bug for MIDI transpose (events other than noteOn and noteOff were transposed (ouch)) - Midi event are read back up to status = 239 (cc were saved but not read back) R-1.3.2 2022-01-23 - Fix bug with MIDI events not playing back when sent to another chain then to external MIDI devices - Program change were recorded but not shown in looper view. They now appear in purple - Hidden feature : script langage R-1.3.1 2022-01-19 - Fixed a bug with note played at the end of record loops while not in Jam mode - Refrain Play loop from being locked in jam Mode R-1.3.0 2022-01-18 - Improved jam mode - Added shortcut to erase a loop in Jam Mode (Default key : E) - Option to select which track will be selected at beginning of Jam mode - Option to lock other loops than the jamming loop - Added dynamic shortcuts with bank (for track mute/unmute, track select and track volume) - Added track numbers - Added tap tempo feature - Added filter for plugins in preferences - Added filter for shortcuts in preferences - Improved markers selection - Metronome can now be always on (option for record and play) - Shortcut for metronome volume and mute/unmute - Added keyboard shortcut to MIDI learn menu - Fixed bugs in jam mode - Fixed bug with MIDI external device not working properly - Fixed bugs in MIDI engine (mainly for jam mode) - Fixed bug with drag and drop in console - Fixed a bug with low volume still playing and sound peak when saved volume was low - Refrain for changing tempo R-1.2.4 2022-01-07 - Shortcuts can now be changed by user (by clicking on the shortcuts in Preferences/Shortcuts) - Support for ASIO driver int 16 bits - Improved robustness if audio interface is not connected - Improved audio engine performance R-1.2.3 2022-01-04 - Improved audio engine performance for big project (many chains and/or many MIDI events) - When user check for new version, user version is also sent R-1.2.2 2022-01-02 - Limited the number of ticks for the metronome to 64 before and 1000 after - Fixed a metronome bug : a metronome change while playing or recording would make LoopToGo crashes sometimes - Improve audio engine performance (when large number of loops) - Fixed a major bug introduced in latest versions : LoopToGo would crashes if the ASIO driver would not be set to 44.1 khz R-1.2.1 2022-01-02 - Start Jam marker do not include a loop when placed at its end - Fix bug with computation of noteMax and noteMin in loops - Changed "Set tick here" shortcut to V. (was 0 : number are used to set the loop length) - Constrained the number of ticks for the metronome to 0 - 64 before and 0 - 1000 after - Fixed a metronome bug : a metronome change while playing or recording would make LoopToGo crashes sometimes R-1.2.0 2021-12-27 - Added markers feature (Stop, Pause, Goto, Start Jam mode) : to add a marker, click at the top of the Looper view (just above the timescale) - Added Jam mode. Jam mode is a feature similar to standard looping pedal. To enter Jam mode : select a track and press J while recording and inside a record Loop. T oend jam mode : press O. - Changed "Set tick here" shortcut to 0. - Added shortcut for selecting track - Show selected track (White rectangle around Track name) - Fixed bugs with some shortcut MIDI learn R-1.1.12 2021-12-18 - Added Home and End shortcuts - Looper view scroll horizontally if needed when dragging start/end of loop or when moving loops - Chain name can now be changed via color dialog - Added color around FX chain in console. - Fixed minor bugs with console scrollbar - Fixed bugs with MIDI learn for Output to other chain - Do not send timing info to MIDI plugin that are outside loops (exception : track with 0 loop) R-1.1.11 2021-12-13 - New brand image - Fixed behavior after loop fade-out (note : if loops are ovelapping and fade-out are different, the result is unknown! Will be fix later) R-1.1.10 2021-12-12 - No more cmd window with LoopToGo window - Fixed bug : Midi loop was not cleared when preRecordMidi time was set 0 - In Preferences, added a way to clear all loops if record starts at bar = 0 - Fixed a bug with resizing of console aera not working properly after reordering chains - Save song view configuration (ZoomX, ZoomY, ZoomMode and ShowLyricsAndChords) - Save Console height and visibility - Fixed bug with metronome sound's path R-1.1.9 2021-12-10 - Added Undo/Redo buttons - Drag is stopped when Application goes out of focus (to avoid ghost ribbon) - Check for new version at startup - Redesign the check version dialog - Adjust looper view after undo or redo - Added tooltips to many buttons and inputs R-1.1.8 2021-12-08 - Fixed a bug : some plugins would shift when ALT-T (Always on top) was used - Removed small border at rigth and bottom of plugins window - Make sure that user selects an ASIO driver before doing anything R-1.1.7 2021-12-06 - Plugin windows can now be set to be always on top (ALT-T or right click ont top border) - Can check is LoopToGo is up to date from menu R-1.1.6 2021-12-02 - New installer (more standard). Can reinstall without needing to setup LoopToGo again. - User data are now seperate from binaries. User data are now in user Documents folder. R-1.1.5 2021-12-01 - Support of 32bit float ASIO driver (ex : Jack2) - Added many tooltips R-1.1.4 2021-11-30 - Fixed bugs for first time launch of LoopToGo - Improved chords symbols managment (now support many symbols side by side) - Fixed crash at ending R-1.1.3 2021-11-27 - Removed Receiver chain type. A standard chain can now be used as a receiver! - Fixed bugs with MIDI learn R-1.1.2 2021-11-25 - Fixed some bugs for Undo/Redo action - Fixed bug for debouncing Toggle for global action - Fixed bug for copy/paste (IDs were copy. They are now unique) - Fixed bug with Duplicate track (State of Selet io button) R-1.1.1 2021-11-22 - Fixed bug for metronome not stopping at time - Fixed bug : MIDI events was cleared at start of record if songTick was positionned at end of loop R-1.1.0 2021-11-21 - Added support for native metronome - Fixed various bugs in audio engine R-1.0.0 2021-11-10 - Added activation menu (Free version is limited to 6 tracks, other tracks are muted) - Added help/about menu R-0.8.1 2021-11-09 - Added drag and drop for plugin in console - Improved display of lyrics and graphics (removed flickering and enlarge drawing) - Added default pathlist for first time launch - Added a dialog box for scanning plugin at first launch - Added following shortcuts : Cut, Copy, Paste, PanRight, PanLeft, Go to start of song, Go to end of song - Added license generator (for future use) - Fixed bug with resizing of console widget - Fixed a bug where all not plugins would received songTick = 0 after initial play or record - Fixed memory leak (loop memomry was not deleted in destructor) - Fixed a bug : Song was closed if user want to save then change his mind after asking for new song - Fixed a memory leak when deleteing a chain (console widget) - Fixed a bug for volume fadeout - Fixed a bug for new song that was tag as "modified" R-0.8.0 2021-10-31 - Improve graphics smoothness and refresh rate management - Pressing ALT allow to select or move without grid snapping - Support for pitch bend through assigned MIDI events - Midi panic support (button + shortcut) - Removed gfx usage progress bar. It was not working on some computer - Support drag of plugin to create new track - Added plugin editing capabilities to console - Improved monitoring mode - Fixed some bugs with locked MIDI notes - Fixed bug : some plugins would change the current path - Fix somes bugs related to glitch at end or beginning of loops - Fixed chain widget behavior drawing for multi rows - Fixed bug with scrollable aera for chain widgets - Fixed bug related to plugin drag and drop when chain aera was scrolled - Fixed recording of receiver on master bus - Fixed bug with console progress bar keeping data when signal going to 0 - Fixed bug for droping MIDI or wav file to looper tracks while some tracks were hidden - Fixed Tempo limit between 1 and 5000 to avoid user selecting 0 R-0.7.4 2021-07-30 - User can now choose prerecord delay for MIDI event recording - Added scrollbar to tthe console aera if needed - Fixed outputToOther chain for MIDI events R-0.7.3 2021-07-28 - Added Receiver chain type (MIDI might still be buggy but audio should work) - Fixed bug with path list (path list was not saved when changed and no plugin scan was done) - Fixed bug with undo (CTR-Z) for play loop with no link to a record loop - Fixed bug with some plugins that would change the current dir when showing (Dexed) R-0.7.2 2021-07-22 - Implemented Undo/Redo (CTR-Z/CTR-Y) in Looper view !! R-0.7.1 2021-07-19 - Changed logo (still very ugly!!!!!!) - Added a way to hide/show track in LooperView - Fixed various bugs for MIDI mapped name (redundancy, MIDI device off, etc) - Added possibility to include .dll files in plugin preferences dialog (some VST3 files use .dll extension instead of .vst3 extension) - Added information label to show which vst is loading - Fixed bug with MIDI event display and quantization for midiPolyPressure - Added a message window if ASIO driver fail to load R-0.7 2021-07-14 - First beta release